“Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” ― B.K.S Iyengar


Yoga is 99% Practice & 1% theory. Just give it a chance

Yoga reintroduces you to the part that’s been missing

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self

Yoga adds years to your life, and life to your years



Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa yoga is the often considered the most athletic yoga style. Vinyasa was adapted from ashtanga yoga in the 1980s. Many types of yoga can also be considered vinyasa flows such as ashtanga, power yoga, and prana.

How to practice:

In vinyasa classes, the movement is coordinated with your breath and movement to flow from one pose to another. Vinyasa styles can vary depending on the teacher, and there can be many types of poses in different sequences. I personally teach an alignment-based style of vinyasa and choreograph new flows every time, but I also like to hold some of the poses a bit longer after warming up

Hatha yoga

The Sanskrit term "hatha" is an umbrella term for all physical postures of yoga. In the West, hatha yoga simply refers to all the other styles of yoga (ashtanga, Iyengar, etc.) that are grounded in a physical practice. However, there are other branches of yoga such as kriya, raja, and karma yoga that are separate from the physical-based yoga practice. The physical-based yoga is the most popular and has numerous styles.

How to practice:

Hatha yoga classes are best for beginners since they are usually paced slower than other yoga styles. Hatha classes today are a classic approach to breathing and exercises. If you are brand-new to yoga, hatha yoga is a great entry point to the practice.


Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga practice is equal parts spiritual and physical. This style is all about releasing the kundalini energy in your body said to be trapped, or coiled, in the lower spine.

How to practice:

These classes really work your core and breathing with fast-moving, invigorating postures and breath exercises. These classes are pretty intense and can involve chanting, mantra, and meditation

Hot yoga

Hot yoga is a form of yoga as exercise performed under hot and humid conditions, usually set to 105 degrees and 40% humidity, resulting in considerable sweating. Some hot yoga practices seek to replicate the heat and humidity of India, where yoga originated. Bikram Choudhury has suggested that the heated environment of Bikram Yoga helps to prepare the body for movement and to "remove impurities".

How to practice:

The sequence includes a series of 26 basic postures, with each one performed twice. Many of these poses are focused on proper alignment. If you're interested in yoga with the heat turned up, look for studios that offer hot yoga classes.


Why yoga?


Meet our instructors

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Ellie-Rose Mcloughlin

Founder of Namaste studio

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Bree Rivers

Hot yoga instructor

picture of instructor

Beatrice Cline

Kundalini yoga instructor

picture of instructor

Charlton Smith

Viniyasa yoga instructor

picture of instructor

Jaspal Guerrero

Hot yoga instructor

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Veronica Gibbs

Hatha yoga instructor

What you might need


Membership options

Our Memberships are by far the best deal for those who plan to join us 4 times per month or more.

Just choose which membership meets your budget and schedule.

All of our memberships include access to all classes. This includes Yoga, Small group personal training and Meditation.

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